The Importance of Proper Tire Inflation: How Underinflated Tires Can Lead to Costly Repairs

Guess what? That car of yours, the one you rely on every day to get you where you need to go, it might have a problem. And no, we're not talking about the engine or the brakes, we're talking about the tires. Specifically, the air in your tires. Yep, the air. You might not think about it much, but if your tires aren't properly inflated, it can lead to some serious and costly repairs.

What's The Big Deal With Tire Inflation?

Let's get down to basics first, shall we? Your tires are the only part of your car that actually touch the road. They take a beating every day, from potholes, curbs, speed bumps, you name it. And if they're not filled with the right amount of air, they can't do their job properly.

Underinflation: When your tires don't have enough air, the sides of the tire squish out and more of the tire's surface touches the road. This causes the tire to wear unevenly and it heats up more quickly. It's like running in sandals instead of running shoes. Not exactly ideal, right?

Overinflation: Now, if your tires have too much air, only the middle part of the tire touches the road. This also causes the tire to wear unevenly and can make your ride less comfortable because the tires can't absorb the shock of the road as well. This is like walking on stilts instead of just walking. Not something you'd want to do every day.

So, What Can Happen?

Underinflated tires can cause all sorts of problems. First off, it can reduce your fuel efficiency. That's right, you could be spending more at the pump simply because your tires aren't properly inflated. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can improve your gas mileage by up to 3.3% by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. That's like getting free gas!

But the problems don't stop there. Underinflated tires are also a safety hazard. They can lead to tire failure, like blowouts or tread separation. These types of failures can lead to serious accidents. Plus, uneven tire wear can also make your car handle poorly, which can make it harder to react in an emergency situation.

Prevention is Key

The good news is, these problems are easily preventable. All you need is a tire pressure gauge and a few minutes of your time each month. Check your vehicle's manual for the recommended tire pressure. And remember, tire pressure can change with the outside temperature, so it's important to check it regularly, especially when the seasons change.

If you're not comfortable checking your tire pressure yourself or if you're not sure what to do, that's where we come in. At Sartorial Auto Repairs, we'll check your tire pressure for you, and we can show you how to do it yourself for next time. We're all about empowering our customers with knowledge.

We're not just about repairs, we're about prevention. So, whether you're in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, or Novato, come in and see us. We'll make sure your tires are inflated just right to keep you safe on the road and save you money at the pump. Come in today for your tire pressure check and keep those wheels turning.